SensorWare Systems, Inc.
Oregon State University, Malheur Experiment Station - Sensor Web 5.0
We have partnered with Prof. Clinton Shock and his group at the Malheur Experiment Station, Oregon State University to use Sensor Webs in agriculture studies.

Sensor Webs, with their system-wide synchronous measurements and autonomous reaction capabilities, are ideal for studying and controlling irrigation in crops. Water stress is particularly important in the growth of such crops as potatoes and onions. The Sensor Web at the Malheur Experiment Station is being used to study the differences between furrow irrigation (water is distributed via ditches in the field), sprinkler irrigation (water is sprayed from overhead), and drip irrigation (water is trickled directly into the root zone).

Each Sensor Web pod measures light levels, air temperature, and humidity. Most pods also measure the soil temperature and soil moisture as two depths: sensor set 1 measures at 10 centimeters down, while sensor set 2 measures 20 centimeters down. In addition, the pods also measure battery level and internal temperature which are useful quantities for diagnostic purposes. Measurements are taken synchronously across the Sensor Web every 5 minutes.

It is expected that this research will help determine how to improve crop yield and crop quality, while potentially conserving water.


Pod 13 Installing soil sensors Soil sensors
Malheur Station Pod 14 Sensor insertion

Photographs courtesy of Clint Shock/Malheur Experiment Station